Found 2 result(s)

16.03.2017 (Thursday)

Symmetry and String theory

Regular Seminar Menika Sharma (Harish-Chandra)

14:00 QMW
room G.O. Jones 610

String theory in the tensionless limit is expected to have a large gauge symmetry. By recasting string theory on the AdS background as a generalization of Vasiliev's theory of massless higher-spin fields, it has become possible to understand the nature of this symmetry. In this talk, I will first give an overview of three-dimensional Vasiliev theory and its dual CFT. I will then discuss the current understanding of the symmetry algebra of string theory as well as some open problems related to it.

18.10.2016 (Tuesday)

Symmetry and String theory

Regular Seminar Menika Sharma (Allahabad)

13:00 City U.
room C310

String theory in the tensionless limit is expected to have a large gauge symmetry. By recasting string theory on the AdS background as a generalization of Vasiliev's theory of massless higher-spin fields, it has become possible to understand the nature of this symmetry. In this talk, I will first give an overview of three-dimensional Vasiliev theory and its dual CFT. I will then discuss the current understanding of the symmetry algebra of string theory as well as open problems related to it.